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Three Wishes By Isabelle Merlin
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From Booklist
Seventeen-year-old Rose is shocked to discover that her French grandfather is very much alive and wants to meet her for the first time. She blogs about her trip from home in Australia and the various members of her grandfather’s castlelike household, but she is disturbed by an unknown poster on her blog who seems to be threatening her. Meanwhile, grandfather’s home seems fraught with dangers of its own—some of the awkward romantic variety, others more deadly. Merlin does a superb job of building out both Rose and the cast of supporting characters, including her grandfather, two young men between whom Rose wants to choose, and even the walk-on parts of her deceased parents, a doctor at the French hospital, and her grandfather’s cook. This novel plays with traditional fairy tales—including, as might be expected from the main character’s name, “Rose Red and Rose White”—in a clever and engaging style, nicely adapted for the twenty-first-century reader. Accompanying Web sites offer the source material and the threatening agent’s own blog. Grades 8-10. --Francisca Goldsmith
"An absorbing mystery with romance thrown in." —Good Reading
"Captures the ultimate desires of many young teenagers—travel, money and romance with in adventure thrown in for good measure." —Viewpoint
About the Author
Isabelle Merlin is the author of Pop Princess.
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