Easy French Step-by-Step

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Easy French Step-by-Step

Easy French Step-by-Step

Easy French Step-by-Step

PDF Download Easy French Step-by-Step

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Easy French Step-by-Step

Get up and running with French

Easy French Step-by-Step proves that a solid grounding in grammar basics is the key to mastering a second language. You are quickly introduced to grammatical rules and concepts in order of importance, which you can build on as you progress through the book. You will also learn more than 300 verbs, chosen by their frequency of use. Numerous exercises and engaging readings help you quickly build your speaking and comprehension prowess.

Product details

Paperback: 400 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (December 1, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0071453873

ISBN-13: 978-0071453875

Product Dimensions:

7.6 x 0.8 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

249 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,599 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The book explains the grammar simply and has a variety of exercises for practice. It also introduces a lot of new vocabulary. The only issue I have with the book is that there is not phonetic pronunciation key to accompany the vocabulary words. I have no idea whether or not I am pronouncing a word correctly. An accompanying CD would have been nice, without it the book should at least provide a guide for each word.

I really stress the word WRITTEN fluency in recommending this book and NOT for VERBAL fluency. You will have to get Cd's like Pimsleur in order to grasp the basic PHONETICS of French. Easy French, an oxymoron if I ever heard one, was a great buy. I am pretty methodical and went through the chapters one by one and will be finishing the final chapter soon. I got it in February of 2013. It is now the end of August and I can chat with my French friend on Whatsapp! I still make a lot of mistakes and she corrects me all the time, but she was shocked at how much I learned from just one book. So that should tell you something.However, I still have a hard time understanding French verbally. I have now finished Pimsleur French 1: sample size that was around 55$. With the knowledge I received from Easy French, coupled with a sample of Pimsleur really increased my verbal fluency. When I was depending on what I learned from Easy French, I would still struggle with phonetic French. Because of the great increase in my understanding of verbal French from the Pimsleur sample, I will buy the whole pack. But you have to understand that you have to couple Pimsleur with Easy French. There is NO WAY I would have breezed through the Pimsleur sample without having done the Easy French exercises first .Together they make a great combo!If you have a talent to pick up languages by ear, then I recommend you go through the Pimsleur French first and Easy French second. If you are like me, in which I do not pick up a language by ear and I am more fluent in the written language even in English and just learn better through grammar exercises, then do the Easy French first, complete it and then go to Pimsleur.I have always had french classes in my youth and somehow I retained a lot of the basic grammar, which helped in the easy way I swept through the first couple of chapters in Easy French. A big chunk of the chapters are dedicated to the present tense conjugations and a lot of introductions to many verbs and their conjugations. When they titled this book: STEP BY STEP, they really meant it. Which is great for beginners. I used IPHONE translator when I needed to know better pronunciations/meanings.The later chapters then give you the conjugations of the two past tenses, then future, conditional, past conditional, and finally the subjunctive. The in-between chapters deal with negatives, question set ups, reflexive verbs, use of prepositions etc. Each chapter ends with a list of nouns/adjectives and a small article written in the tense you just learned in that chapter, as well as follow-up exercises for your comprehension.If you have no idea where to start in order to start the process of learning the ever so difficult French language then look no further than Easy French Step-by Step for Written Fluency. Follow it up with Pimsleur French 1, 2, and 3 for Verbal Fluency. For further written fluency, The Ultimate French Review and Practice is a great way to keep increasing your knowledge. I also bought this and I already love it. It has an interactive CD where it has a diagnostic test, more exercises and verbal comprehension.Click on the links to direct you the additional material I bought and recommend with Easy French: French, Conversational: Learn to Speak and Understand French with Pimsleur Language ProgramsThe Ultimate French Review and Practice

Great for written language,BUT Schaum's French Grammar is still cheaper, includes verbs & I feel I get the same stuff out of it.Plus Schaum's does not use absolutely horrible Americanized pronunciation like Easy French does.This does have a pronunciation section, but I would say a lot of it is honestly HARMFUL to your pronunciation.For example, "I with a little n" is how they describe pronouncing "un." They do mention it is a nasal vowel, but pronouncing un like ih(n) or ee(n) which is the only possible thing I can see coming out of "i", is NOT what you want, especially if you are just starting out.I do like it for grammar, but I'm not a fan of the brand (McGraw Hill).It is far better than their "Ultimate" French Review(/ Verb Review). It is more concise, easier, does not feel like a tome like Ultimate Review does, & it is better even though Easy French does not have a CD like Ultimate Review.All of these (McGraw Hill) books suck for pronunciation. Some of it is okay, but most will not help you.You can use forvo.com / rhinospike.com for free pronunciation recordings.Plus I feel like CDs that come in some books are INSANELY fast for a beginner.For pronunciation, it is far better to get a "speaking" book like:1. See it & Say it in French&/ 2. The Berlitz Self-Teacher FrenchYou certainly do not need both, but speaking/PRONUNCIATION practice is key to remembering a language. I find them both extremely helpful.

If you are a total beginner, you will quickly get lost. If you took high school French, you'll be just fine. The organization of the book is odd, (I, you, us, etc. is explained a few chapters after being used) but if you can get over that, it is a good tool to use.

I took French classes in high school and decided not to continue studying in college. However, I have realized that I do not want to let all of that hard work go to waste, so I decided that I would like to retain at least the basics. Considering I haven't even looked at any French in over a year, this book was very helpful. It has proven to be a great resource for reviewing the material I learned over 5 years ago. I'm not sure how easy it would be for someone to use this book if they don't know any French at all, but I find it very helpful for reviewing purposes!

It’s alright, but definitely not sufficient to learn French. I pair this with YouTube and Duolingo, because sometimes the explanations aren’t totally clear. YouTube clarified the lessons and Duolingo provides the extra practice.

I just took a year of conversational french for adults thinking id be talking in no time. Sadly my teacher taught "french for tourists" and never got in depth. THIS book is AWESOME! I learned SO much more in 1 chapter than I did in 1 year. I can finally understand the Grammar in a simple no nonsense way.

This book can get you started, and also, in my case, keeps you going. I would call this "situational" French..getting you by and knowing common idioms [important particularly in French] and quick word usage. A helpful book, get it!

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Easy French Step-by-Step
